California Grains

Why California Grown Grains?

Buying from local farmers cuts down on transportation fuel emissions.  If grains are grown, milled, baked, and sold in one region, the crop's (and the consumer's) carbon footprint can be reduced significantly. The inclusion of grain crops in crop rotations provides environmental services for the entire state, improving its soil, air, and water, and potentially mitigating the increase in green house gases.
California has a long history of successfully growing grains across the state due to its soil and climate. In 1879, wheat and barley accounted for 75% the state’s cropland, while now it accounts for less than 25% (Olmstead & Rhode).
While returning to California grown grains undoubtedly improves environmental health, it can also contribute to a healthier consumer. Keeping grains local means grains can remain with local bakers, who make healthier goods with less chemical additives and more focus on whole grain products.
Learn more about Whole Grain Initiative.
Served by a marketplace in which local grain production is diversified and empowered, artisans and home bakers can utilize the diversity of wheat and other grain crops that local growers can provide. These different types of wheat and other grains can be used for different products,bringing back a culture of healthy and delicious foods made locally.
One of the most important incentives to bring grains back to California is the economic gains. In supporting local grains, the growing, milling, and baking industries improve, spurring more economic growth locally.